Access to Off Market Property
In prime London postcodes, as much as 30% of sales are done off market. These properties are in prime luxury areas such as Knightsbridge, South Kensington, Mayfair, Chelsea and Belgravia.
I offer a free search service, where we notify all the agents within your chosen postcodes of your search. By using an experience search agent, they know that I am verifying that you are a genuine buyer and this ensures that we are offered all suitable discreet off market properties. You will also have access to newly listed properties, before they are publically marketed.
I specialise in searching for properties in prime London postcodes and have extensive experience acting for overseas buyers. I will save you time, inspecting all suitable properties and ensure that only the right ones are shortlisted. My service will help you avoid expensive mistakes, save time and give you a wider choice of properties.
I do not charge any upfront fees, only a low success fee, when I have found your perfect property and you have been able to secure it.